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Who Are WE ?



   First off we are not a club we really are a clan. We have no dues or formal meetings.  Just dinners and family gatherings  We love Corvette's and just happen to be related.  Because we are family first we are not just for Corvette's. We have found room for a Camaro, Pontiac', Cougar and a Harley or two.  In fact most relatives in our family probably have gas and oil in their blood with a strong preference for a GM product that can smoke the tires clean off it as a couple of us are GM retirees .

   We like a good car show and really love a good road trip.   And in case you are wondering none of us are named Outlander. We all just live in the outlands of WNY.  So if you want to be part of the Outlanders Corvette Clan you will need to prove you are a distant relative or that funny uncle or cousin that every family has that''s not really related and have a Corvette or other hot car.  Then treat us like family, and we will return the favor.  Oh yeah........... learn the secret hand shake. Save the wave!

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